2. Engineering Job (Job order No. E0002) – Engineering Visa
Company Name
Review, Ltd. / 株式会社レビュー
〒541-0048 大阪市中央区瓦町 4-4-7 おおきに御堂筋瓦町ビル 8 階
Operating Hours / Training Hours
9:00 to 18:00
★5days a week, two days off. Total 160 hours a month.
★average 30 extra hours working per month
Base salary \200,000 to \450,000 according to worker’s skill, plus extra hours charge. Bonus twice a year
Task Description
SE (back end designing). Necessray skills are..
- Web programming & Frame work
- Cloud and server side
- WebAPI developments Welcomed skills are..
- New project designing
- PM management skills
- AWSCloud design(Lambda、API Gateway、CloudFront、DynamoDB、Aurora、CLI etc)
- LAMPdesign(Ubuntu,CentOS)
- PHP frame work(Laravel、Slim、Lumen)
- Network securities(AWK、ShellScript)
Preferred academic backgrounds are following:
Internet engineering
- If you do not have Japanese language skills, business level English skills required.
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